Inflation is a situation where general price level is rising continuously indicating disequilibrium between demand and supply of goods at…
Several economists have described the inflation in different ways. For example Coulborn define inflation as “Too much money chasing too…
An index number is a percentage value designed to measure the over all change in a variable, or in a…
The shareholders buy shares with the expectations of receiving dividends and increase in the value of the shares. A conscious…
The construction of an index number is not an easy task. Various problems hamper the construction of index number such…
Just like a person working for some one expects remuneration or a landlord expects rent from tenant, the provider of…
Average a simple but important tool for decision making which is used by almost every individual, businessman, and even institutions…
In general terms financial market is a mechanism of delivering savings from the households, governments, and corporations to the users…
The geometric mean of Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s price indices is called Fisher’s price Index. Fisher price index uses both current…
If the quantities of base time period are taken as weights, the weighted aggregative price index is called Laspeyres price…