Principles of Accounting

What is Balance Sheet

Every business entity prepares a balance sheet at the end of each year, and most of the companies prepare at…

14 years ago

What is Accounting

Many of the people think that accounting is just understood and practiced by professional accountants and it is highly a…

14 years ago

How to Make Balance Sheet

Balance sheet is statement of the total assets and liabilities of an organization at a specific point in time. It…

15 years ago

How to Make Income Statement

Income statement is a financial document which shows income and expenses of an organization over a given period of time…

15 years ago

How to Make Trail Balance

Trial balance is a statement of debit and credit balances extracted from the ledger, with a view to test the…

15 years ago

How to prepare Ledger Account

Ledger is a book which contains separate page for each account and shows complete collection of all the accounts of…

15 years ago

How to Pass Journal Entries

In accounting system, each business transaction is first recorded in an accounting record called the journal. Since the transactions are…

15 years ago

Rules of Debit and Credit

In order to record the journal entries, one must know the rules of debit and credit. First of all we…

15 years ago