Categories: Strategy

EFE Matrix of Burger King

5.Sum the weighted scores.

EFE Matrix of Burger King

Opportunities Weight Rating Weighted Score
Operates in fast growing industry 0.07 (7%) 3 0.21
Increase in demand of healthy products 0.08 (8%) 3 0.24
Cost competition 0.09 (9%) 2 0.18
Merger and acquisition 0.06(6%) 2 0.12
Incorporate healthy food in its menu 0.10 (10%) 3 0.30
Globalization 0.10 (10%) 3 0.30
Strong competition especially from burger king. 0.10 (10%) 3 0.30
New entrants in fast food industry 0.05 (5%) 3 0.15
Online sales increasing which will results in increasing competition 0.10 (10%) 3 0.30
Changing consumer habits 0.05 (5%) 2 0.10
Political issues 0.06 (6%) 1 0.06
Increase in obesity rate 0.08 (8%) 2 0.16
Relationship with franchisee and suppliers 0.06 (6%) 1 0.06
Total Weighted Score 1.0(100%) 2.48

The score of 2.48 is above average which means that the company is performing well but, the score could be better if Burger King capitalize the opportunities and reduce the impact of threats.

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