Categories: Human Resource

Organization Structure

•    Pre-bureaucratic structures
•    Post-bureaucratic structures
•    Divisional structure
•    Functional structure
•    Bureaucratic structures
•    Matrix structure:
a.    Functional/Weak matrix
b.    Functional/Balanced Matrix
c.    Project/Strong Matrix

•    Team
•    Network
•    Boundary-less structure
•    Virtual Structure

Organization structures are a very important factor for the organization to work in an orderly and systemized manner. Without an organization structure a company cannot prosper, there are different kinds of structures for small and large organizations. Government organizations have different structures than that of the private organizations. Organization structures help to facilitate working relationships between different entities in an organization and improve efficiency and quality of work, because of the constant back and forth of communication. However, it only works if the right structure is employed by a particular organization, for instance it wouldn’t be right for a large organization working on the virtual structure to change to the bureaucratic structure. Organization structures should be reviewed and implemented and changed from time to time in every organization to keep up with changing trends in the business world; however an entire change in the complete structure should also be launched if problems with the present structure persist.

Written By

Hannah Paul

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