Categories: Business Research

Research Proposal on Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Social Networks


It is examined that the social media usage is increasing day by day in the country overall. It could be noted that all the online advertisement channels are into the social media thing. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) is said to be the biggest media that is available to the users, and there are many different effects of the social media. It is noted that there are many different advantages and many disadvantages as well for using social media in the Australia (Blackwell, Leaman, Tramposch, Osborne, & Liss, 2017).

It is noted that in the recent years the usage of the social media has been increased to the ultimate level. It could be noted all over that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation is spending almost $1.22 billion by the government of Australia. This shows that it have vast, broadcasting and needs to be noticed that are the effects negative or positive for the customers of Australia due to the social media usage? Hence this is the main reason the study is being conducted to look at the advantages and the disadvantages of social media especially in Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Project Objective

It is noted that there are many different channels for the broadcasting nowadays and the social media usage have been increased and media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and many others in this field. Moreover, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation is so active in this case and covers 76 percent total reviews too. Hence the advantages and the disadvantages are needed to be discussed so that Australian Broadcasting Corporation could be examined (Wei & Gao, 2017).

Project Scope

is noticed that in the western world the social media power is one of the strongest power all over. It could be seen that fastest and the one of the reliable source is also said to be as social media power. Here Australian Broadcasting Corporation is one of the biggest in this case as it is a government based channel and the broadcasting company that is good for the public and lot of information is fetched in this case.

Literature Review

There are three different parts that are being discussed in the literature review. It is examined that the first one id the comparative analysis of the ABC and the other social media channels. The second one is the advantages of the social media, and the third one is the disadvantages of the social media so that the entire picture could be explained in the paper.

Coming to the ABC and the others in the world it is examined that there are many different broadcasting channels that are working all over. Here the famous ones are Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat, YouTube, Instagram and many other different international and local channels that play a vital part in the social media activities. There are many different problems that are being faced by the company, and it is also noted that one of the important things is to get the links to the international channels all over. Hence it is seen that ABC does have the huge impact on the market overall (Li, 2017).
It is noted that there are many different advantages of the social media in the country. It has been noted that the one of the biggest is that the realities and the latest news are updated to the globe all over. Here the globalization is the other factor that could be noted. It is seen that the social media is the fastest online channel to spread any news all over the globe. Hence it could be stated that the advantages are greater in number.
There are many disadvantages for the social media too. One of the greatest could be seen as wrong of the false statement does spread with the speed of fire over the social media. Things go viral in seconds. Here the filters and the screenings are not that good as it needs to be. However, the nudity is there which could be seen by anyone. This is the wrong aspect and needs to be addressed properly (Kim & Kim, 2017).  

Research Questions

There are several questions that are included in the paper so that the primary and the secondary questions could be determined.

Primary Question

What are the advantage and disadvantage of using social media in an Australian context?

Secondary Questions

1. How to evaluate the social networking in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation?
2. Do the advantages and the disadvantages of the social media affect the population of the country?

The primary research question is being presented in the study as it is the main objective to find out the advantage and disadvantage of using social media in an Australian context. It is noted that the sub questions are the part of them and they support in the proper sense. Here in the literature review it is written in accordance with these questions too. The objectives and the hypothesis are being written in the accordance as the questions that are being presented. Hence it is not a separate entity. The main reasoning and the justification is fulfilled in the literature review and that is the reason these questions are fetched in here.

Research Design and Methodology

Discussing the research design, it is said to be one of the most important elements in the research. The reason is it is the basis on which the analysis needs to be determined. Here many different aspects are needed to be considered, and different aspects are shown below.

Here the research method consists of quantitative methods. It is determined that in this research design the objectivity seems and the objective answers are needed to be noticed. Coming to the research design, it is noted that Conclusive research design is being used in the study. The main reason behind is quantitative analysis have been done in study as this is the best fit design for the study. Moreover the philosophy that has been used in the paper is the positivism. The main reason is for the close ended questions and the use of quantitative data this is the best technique. It is observed that deduction approach is being used in the study. Here the main thing to select this approach is that hypothesis and theory are needed to be tested for the advantages and disadvantages of the social media.

Quantitative Research

In this paper, the quantitative analysis will be done. Here the research design consists of quantitative methods. It is determined that in this research design the objectivity seems and the objective answers are needed to be noticed. Here the data collected from the respondents are needed to be objective in nature so that that theory could be tested. Hence the numerical values will be analyzed in this context. Further, the instrument used in the paper would be close-ended questionnaires, and the best thing is it will be based on the objective answers and 5 points Likert scale will be adopted in this case (Mingers, 2001).

Here in the questionnaire the Likert scale will be used, and there will be five different options available such as SA as strongly agree, A for agree, N for neutral, D for disagree and SD for strongly disagree. The respondents will be asked to fulfil the questionnaires so that the advantages and the disadvantages of the social media could be noticed in detail. Coming to the sampling method, simple random sampling will be used in this context, and the advantage of this sampling technique is that there is no biased there in the technique. Moreover, the sampling is done in the easy and precise way promptly. Discussing the sampling size, the sample of the study consists of 275 respondents. These sizes have been taken as there are a lot of customers that can tell the realities of the advantages and the disadvantages of the social media. 

The main thing is the respondents of the paper will be the employee of the ABC, and that is the reason best realities could be known for the social media. It is stated that the significance will be known that are advantages or the disadvantages effecting people over social media or not. Hence the detailed results will be shown, so that clear picture is seen.      

Data Analysis

To analyze the study, it is needed to be addressed that there will be different tests that will be applied to the paper and by doing this the advantages and the disadvantages of the social media will be looked in detail. It could be examined that the reliability will be noticed for the questions that will be used in the questionnaire. Moreover, the correlation and the regression will be applied independently in the paper so that the advantages and the disadvantages of the social media could be known for ABC. Here the relationship in between the independent variable and dependent variable will be known after applying the tests independently.

Research Limitations

There are couples of limitations that are included in the research. Some of the main limitations are stated below:

1. The study includes quantitative techniques, qualitative could be included in the study as well and by doing so more authentic research could be done.
2. The respondent size is not that big. The main reason is time constraint as it is difficult to fulfil questionnaires ion time.
3. A mixed method approach could be utilised in the study so that objective responses and the subjective responses could be gathered.
4. The study is in the Australian context, and that is the reason it could not be generalised. Hence different countries are needed to be studied so that better results could opt. 

Time Schedule

[large]Discussing the schedule, it is important for the study to be completed in the given time frame. It has been noted that total time required to complete the paper will be five months. It is examined that the respondents are too much and it will need a lot of time to fulfill the questionnaires from the respondents overall. The main thing is to complete the introduction and the literature review. Hence it will be completed in one month. After that, the respondents will be contacted, and within three months the questionnaires will be filled. Hence after that, the analysis will be done, and the conclusion and recommendations will be provided too. Hence five months will be taken altogether to complete the research in a possible manner.


It could be concluded that there are many different portions of the proposal that are being taken into consideration. It is stated that the scope of the paper is explained in a well-mannered way. Here the research questions are explained in accordance to the primary and the secondary questions that what are the advantages and many disadvantages for using social media in Australia. Moreover, the quantitative techniques will be used in the paper, and the questionnaire will be used in the paper. Here the research limitations are noted and explained as well. Further, the schedule is stated as well so that the clear picture of the entire research could be defined.      


Blackwell, D., Leaman, C., Tramposch, R., Osborne, C., & Liss, M. (2017). Extraversion, neuroticism, attachment style and fear of missing out as predictors of social media use and addiction. Personality and Individual Differences, 116(1), 69-72.
Kim, B., & Kim, Y. (2017). College students’ social media use and communication network heterogeneity: Implications for social capital and subjective well-being. Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 620-628.
Li, Q. (2017). Characteristics and social impact of the use of social media by Chinese Dama. Telematics and Informatics, 34(3), 797-810.
Mingers, J. (2001). Combining IS Research Methods: Towards a Pluralist Methodology. Information Systems Research, 12(3), 240-259.
Wei, L., & Gao, F. (2017). Social media, social integration and subjective well-being among new urban migrants in China. Telematics and Informatics,, 34(3), 786-796.


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