Summary of New Paradigm for Financial Markets

At the end of book George Soros gives some policy recommendation for the present crisis. He admits that these are not firm policy recommendation but subject for the further discussion. Since author is the strong opponent of bush administration and believes that new initiative are to be expected by the new Democratic US President. Some of the important recommendations of George Soros are that newly introduced financial instruments should be abandoned, more regulations should be introduced regarding credit creation, regulators should be stopped from indulging in such activities which they do not understand, and Fed should play its role in the risk management. All the financial authorities should not only deal with inflation and money supply but also play its role to avoid assets bubble and analyze the credit conditions. George Soros also proposed the creation of clearing house or exchange for credit default swaps (CDS) with a sound capital structure. In order to control the collapse in house prices some additional measures should be taken such as guarantees. These guarantees will help loans modifications, amendment of bankruptcy law, and refinance subprime borrowers.

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