Categories: SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis of Best Buy


• The company now starts to modify its stores by converting according to the needs of its consumers.

• In the United State digital Entertainment is all known in the market of electronics.

• Manufacture of new models of electronic models like DVD, TV, HD-DVD players etc have very high demand and could help in improving the company sales and profit.

• One of the demanding products in 2004 of the company was LCD, which increase the profit to a great extent.


• In 2005 the company shows no interest in its 36 months announcement for the home theater system, it only shows it interest in credit promotion. As keep in mind that most of the user are happy with the products like home theater and can be attracted by such type of things. So the company is very affected by such type of strategies.

• The company faces a lot of competitors who offered discounts in electronics products thus the company must also show such type of strategies, thus it would maintained its position in US.


1. Owning support and service online—-quick wins: move

2. Geek Squad – good service and its positioning supports a contemporary, non-Wal-mart view of the world.

3. Be more of a Borders Books for electronics – give the store and online experience a more community feel


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