Categories: Marketing

The Convergence of Brands!

The writer works at TPS and is responsible for enhancing the brand equity and competitive brand advantage both locally & internationally. The writer is actively involved for the past 5 years in marketing and brand management, promotions, organizing special events, advertising, public relations, Web site management and other marketing operations.

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  • It's true that brand to a great extent is what customers perceive it to be but that I believe is when a brand is emerging; once famous, then the customers are made to perceive what a company wants them to. Many people then become followers of a particular brand to simply satisfy their *brand-consciousness* :)..would you agree?

  • @Fariya
    Its not the case you can take the example of coca cola classic, the product failed in the market.Orkut is another good examples, to maintain the brand image companies require to maintain their compitative advantage otherwise customer can easily shift to other competitors.

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