EFE matrix

EFE Matrix of Kraft Foods

Kraft foods is an American company founded in1903 and operating in food processing industry. Its headquarter is located in Northfield,…

13 years ago

EFE Matrix of Dell Corporation

The company was founded in 1984 at Austin, Texas, United States. The company is based on the industry of computer…

13 years ago

EFE Matrix of Coca Cola Company

The coca cola company was founded in 1886 and it is based on the industry of soft drinks. The company…

13 years ago

EFE Matrix of Apple Inc

The Apple Corporation was founded in 1976 by Steve Wazaik, Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne. The company is based on…

13 years ago

EFE Matrix Template

External factor evaluation matrix is a strategic tool used for the external evaluation of a firm. External factors consist of…

13 years ago

EFE Matrix of Adidas

In 1924 the Adidas Company was founded which was further registered in 1949 and Adolf Dassier was the founder. The…

13 years ago

Steps in Developing EFE Matrix (External Factors Evaluation Matrix)

External factors Evaluation matrix (EFE) is used to audit the external factors of any company. In EFE matrix the external…

13 years ago