Henry foyal the theorist of management describes the 14 principals of management. These are also know as the classical principal of management but still today most of principals are followed in organization.

Specialization of Labor

Every organization dependent on labor, in past increasing the number of labor was considered as strength but this rules of management says that labors with specialization of domain means labor with required skills increase the productivity.


Authority is the power for giving orders to subordinates for tasks, the person with the authority also can transfer power to other employees.


The rules must be followed in a proper way, no breaking and violating of rules.

Unity of Command

Each employee must assigned only one immediate boss means he or she should report to only one boss. Two bosses are not better than one.

Unity of Direction

Concept that one manager and one plan for a group of activities having the same goals are essential for effective management.

Subordination of Individuals Interests

Fayol’s line was that one employee’s interests or those of one group should not prevail over the organization as a whole. This would spark a lively debate about who decides that the interests of the organization as a whole are. Ethical dilemmas and matters of corporate risk and the behavior of individual “chancers” are involved here.


Employee must get the benefit from company in return of work, benchmark of payment made to the employees in the organization must be set according to the nature of work.


Consolidation of management functions means central authority on top of all, the flow of order from top to down is required for proper control and communication.

Scalar Chain/Line of Authority

The reporting line from top to bottom must be proper and clear .


All material and employees provided with the place in the organization premises and they must remain with them.


Equity, fairness and a sense of justice “should”pervade the organization – in principle and practice.

Personnel Tenure

Low turnover rate of employees, performance based promotion and life time employment for the top employees.An organization with employee turnover rate lower the employee confidence and also impact on productivity.


At all levels of the organizational structure, zeal, enthusiasm and energy are enabled by people having the scope for personal initiative.

Esprit da Crops

Management must motivate the employees on work by giving them monetary and non-monetary rewards. The credit of work must be given to the employee not unlike in most of the organization bosses always expose themselves for good work and take the reward of other employees. Friendly environment with coordination of work and sharing experience and ideas can make the difference.

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