Responsiveness Concept in Psychology

Responsiveness Commencing with a very popular and commonly used definition of learning, ‘Learning is a relatively permanent behavioral change that occurs as the result of experience’, it is important to mention that there exists several types of learning that differ...

Social Learning Theory

There is a phenomena, or a way of individual to learn and that is by observing other people’s behavior. A phenomena which couldn’t be explained until Albert Bandura came up with a theory. He had to extensively go through the concepts Skinner’s operant conditioning and...

Stimulus generalization in Psychology

The concept of Stimulus Generalization is found both in classical as well as operant conditioning. Stimulus generalization basically evokes a similar response by a conditioned stimulus, after a response has been conditioned. For example, if a child has been...

Operant Conditioning

B.F. skinner discovered Operant conditioning, which is often referred to as instrumental conditioning. You might also hear some call it Skinnerian conditioning for the fact that skinner coined the name. Operant conditioning is the method of learning that takes place...

Classical Conditioning

In 1913, an American psychologist, who happens to mark a milestone in the history of psychology, is a founder of Behaviorism- a School of Thought. John B. Watson was of the view that a human behavior was not the result of internal mental processes. Also, claimed that...

Extinction in Psychology ?

In Pavlov conditioning, which is popular known as classical conditioning, in its experiment of a dog who develops an association of food with the ringing bell, but when the bell rang continuously, and no food came, unconditioned response i.e. salivation stops...