In today’s world, Marketing has come around in a wide variety of ways to tailor the needs of the audience, the media platform and various businesses in order to keep evolving as a dynamic marketplace. This is why; the Adaptive Marketing is of no surprise to anyone.

The most significant advantage of Adaptive Marketing is that the consumers are reluctant to switch to any other brands when they find a product which is more personalized that increases relevance and therefore, a brand experience becomes more optimized to the consumers. People respond more positively to a brand that is able to adapt its style according to the consumer’s desires.

Adaptive Marketing has lessened the concept of commoditization and presents a classic model to mass production as how mass appeal products are promoted in mass media. This results as a downward pressure on product’s pricing because consumers are more prepared to pay for the personalized products.
People tend to purchase a product that they feel connected to due to its customized advertisements or they may develop some positive associations with a brand. The Adaptive Marketing is a fast paced and an everlasting approach to truly understand each and every single consumer individually. One of the best examples of Adaptive Marketing is the Google’s attempt to use personal data and by “Liking” both companies and products on social network sites generate a lot of great response from the consumers.

This type of marketing keeps on changing constantly since the consumer’s preferences also keeps changing and that makes advertising and branding more emotionally driven and shows a sense of association that consumers develop for a product.

[large]One of the great examples of Adaptive Marketing is Walt Disney, who is considered to be one of the well recognized brands all across the globe. The secret behind their success is the best use of their guest knowledge by anticipating the needs of the customers and creating competitive differentiation. Adaptive Marketing is all about being responsive to consumers more quickly. Communication plays a key role in this approach. Whirlpool responds more directly to its customer’s complaints online about their appliances, Starbucks and Apple have been outsourcing for their new product ideas and services on social media. Amazon gives its customers personalized recommendation while Coca cola introduced Free Style vending machines which allows the customers to create their own beverage by mixing together with the Coke products and sharing it with friends on Facebook. Nowadays customers are comfortable to share their personal information with the company who is willing to personalize their products and communications.

Adaptive marketing has enabled marketers to tailor their product according to the needs and wants of the customers which does not only involve advertising but the whole marketing mix and the product itself to make consumers more connected to the brand.

Today’s media is more information driven and technology enabled that helps to facilitate Adaptive Marketing. Magazines also provide opportunities for market segmentation and to promote the products to the niche target market. The new trend of using location based media platforms, mobile device services and a whole host of tablet has made Adaptive Marketing a widespread brand marketing opportunity. The potential of branding is more drifted towards Adaptive Marketing in future so let’s embrace and take its utmost advantage.

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