Advertising is heavily focused on the analysis, planning, control, and decision-making activities of this core institution – ‘advertiser’. The field of advertising is made up of a system of interacting organizations and institutions, all of which play a role in the advertising process. At the core of this system are the advertisers, organization that provide financial resources that support advertising.  The advertiser provides the overall managerial direction and financial support for the development of advertising and the purchase of media time and space, even though many other institutions are involved in the similar process.

Advertising is just like the other essential elements of the marketing plan, as amongst other marketing tools, advertising also can be used to attain the company’s objectives or its product or services can be refined. [adsense1]A brand manager needs to spend considerable time pinpointing the exact source of a brand’s poor sales before deciding that the core problem is inadequate or poor advertising or promotion. For instance, if research data indicate that consumers are trying the brand but are not purchasing it, it may well be that the firm’s advertising is successful but that the brand’s quality needs attention. The marketing plan thus should be based on the specific problems or opportunities uncovered for the brand. In addition to placing the advertising plan in the total context, the brand manager must also take care to develop a marketing program in which the components parts work in coordination, synergistic manner instead of cross-purposes.

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