Advertising, within the action-oriented communications play the following role;

1.Retail Advertising

One of the examples of advertising that has direct, action objectives is the advertising of retailers or retail advertising. The best retail advertisements are those that provide the consumer with a lot of specific information so that the customer can see immediately that he or she must indeed visit the store. It is not enough to say e.g. that the shirts on sale are available in various colors and sizes; it is much more action-inducing to list the exact colors, sizes and prices. Any piece of missing information would hinder the action.

2.Cooperate Advertising

A situation closely related to retail advertising is that of cooperate advertising, in which a manufacturer offers retailers an advertising program for the latter to run. The program may include suggested advertising formats, materials to be used to create actual advertisements, and money to pay a portion of the cost. It also often includes requests or requirements that the retailer stock certain merchandise quantities and perhaps use certain displays. By some estimates, almost one-half of retail advertising is some form of co-op advertising.

3. Reminder, Point-of-Purchase

Some times the primary role of advertising is to act as a reminder to buy & use the brand. The brand may be established and have a relatively solid, stable image. Reminder advertising then serves to stimulate immediate purchase and/or use to counter the inroads of competition. Firstly, the reminder advertising enhances the top-of-mind awareness of the brand, thus increasing the probability that the brand gets included on the shopping lists or gets purchased as an impulse item. Secondly, it can be used as specialty advertising, useful products given free to the customers that have the manufacturer’s name and related information printed on them.


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