Non-Probability Sampling Techniques

Non-probability sampling is a form of sampling technique in which the subset of population is not achieved by chance or probability but by some logic. Here, we should know that there is difference between sampling and sample; sampling refers to the selection of subset...

Important Types of Research

If we break down the word research, it is the combination of “Re” and “search”. It means that research intends to find some phenomenon or existing knowledge continuously. The basic aim of research is to confirm the reliability of existing knowledge and contribute new...

What are the Objectives of Research

Objective of research is one the important elements for conducting any research because it helps in determining the possibility of conducting the study. Basically, the broad aim of all researches is to confirm the reliability of existing knowledge and to find the...

Probability Sampling Techniques

Before understanding probability sampling techniques, one must know the difference between sample and sampling. Sample is the subset of population which represents the population whereas sampling is the process of selecting subset from population. Now, there are two...

Overview of Research Methodology

Research is also recognized by numerous other terms such as: collaborative inquiry, emancipatory research, participatory research, contextual learning and action research; but all are disproportion on the subject. Basically research is learning by doing. A group of...

Literature Review of Management Research

There are few important things which must be considered for the purpose of writing a literature review. The literature review must be in past language and the use of pronouns should be avoided. The language should be passive rather than active. Basically, literature...