Types of Debentures

Debentures are written documents containing provisions and acknowledging a debt regarding the interest payment at a fixed rate and repayment of principle amount. Debentures include stock, debentures, bonds, debt and other securities of a firm constituting charge on...

Sources of Short Term Finance

Organizations require finance for short-term, medium-term and long-term depending upon the nature of business. Therefore, in order to meet these requirements, funds are needed to be raised from various sources. Organizations can collect money through issuance of ...

What is Capital Structure?

A capital structure concerns the composition of the liability of a company or more specifically, the relative participation of the several financing sources in the composition of the total obligations. Capital structure decision is very essential for any organization;...

Factors affecting target capital structure

For the establishment of a target capital structure, the firm analyzes certain factors such as; mix of debt, preferred stock and common equity. The specific capital structure changes according to the conditions. The change in capital structure occurs due to the debt...