Word of Mouth

Consumers are mostly influenced by opinions that are expressed directly to them. Nowadays the marketers spend millions of money on various advertising campaigns however what really persuades a consumer to make up their mind is a free and simple source i.e. by a word...


When you think of bringing sustainability into the marketing industry, one gets skeptical about how it can serve to bring value to the main cause. Usually a common perception is associated with marketing by the term”GREEN WASH” which portrays a light image of the...

Service Inseparability

Service inseparability is considered as an important property that basically states that the services are produced and consumed at the same time period but cannot be separated from their providers or manufacturers. Providers can be a machine or people along with that...

Promotional Allowance

Promotion allowance involves the factors that are required to familiar the product with customers. Advertisement and promotional programs are the examples of promotion. Advertisement is the most important tool which is an option to make the product available for...

Indirect Marketing

What is Indirect Marketing? Indirect marketing is the distribution of various products through channel which includes one or more than one seller. It is a way for a business to market their products, services or idea without using any appropriate method or direct...

What are the Buyer Readiness Stages?

In the context of marketing, there are six stages through which the customer passes while purchasing or adapting any good or service.  These are considered as the psychological stages through which a person passes to decide for a product to either purchase it or...