3.Evaluating alternatives – it involves establishing the criterion for the evaluation process or in other words, what the buyer is seeking and what the buyer does not wants.

4.Decision of purchasing – includes all the buying alternatives ranging from package, the product, the store and the methods of purchasing.

5.The purchase; is basically the lapsed time between 4 and 5, and is differ from the decision.

6.Satisfaction or dissatisfaction: Post purchase evaluation – whether what you have decided is right or not, and this is mitigated through the after sales communications, and different warranties etc.

The sundry types of the consumer behavior are determined by the following;

a.What was the level of involvement in making a purchase decision? The level of interest, the importance, the intensity in that particular situation is studied.

b.The level of involvement of buyers is necessary to study as to determine the motivation to seek information about any particular product or a service.

Pertinent to this, there are 3 categories that affect the consumer buying decision process respectively; (1) Personal (2) Psychological and (3) Social. The main reason why a business propels or shuts down is just this that they do/don’t understand the customer psychology and what actually they are looking for.


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