5.Sum the weighted scores.

EFE Matrix of Kraft Foods

OpportunitiesWeightRatingWeighted Score
Operates in fast growing industry0.08 (8%)40.32
Increase in demand of healthy products0.05 (5%)30.15
Cost competition0.10 (10%)30.30
Merger and acquisition0.08(10%)30.24
Online existence on Internet for shopping0.07 (7%)30.21
Change in people lifestyle0.07 (7%)20.14
New product development0.08 (8%)30.24
Strong competition0.10 (10%)30.30
New entrants in retail industry0.05 (5%)30.15
Online sales increasing which will results in increasing competition0.10 (10%)30.30
Economics recession0.05 (5%)10.05
Political issues0.05 (5%)10.05
Increase in obesity rate0.10 (10%)20.20
Total Weighted Score1.0(100%)2.65

The score of 2.65 is above average which means that the company is performing well but there is still enough of improvement.

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