The term employee relations was actually conceived as a replacement for the term industrial relations, but its exact meaning in today’s workplace needs to be clarified. “Employee relations basically involves the body of work concerned with maintaining employee-employer relation, which contributes to satisfactory productivity, increase in employee morale and motivation.” So, in essence employee relation is concerned with resolving problems and preventing them from occurring in the first place which may involve individuals who affect work situations. Supervisors are advices on how to correct poor employee performance and situations of misconduct by an employee. In such instances, regulation, discipline and other requirements are bound to be considered in effect of disciplinary actions to resolve employee grievances and appeals. Information is also provided to employees so that a better understanding of management’s goals and policies along with company objectives is promoted in the right way. Besides that information on how to correct poor performance is also given to the employees as well as information on, off duty or on duty misconduct and addressing personal issues which may affect them and their work in the workplace. Employees are advised about applicable legislation, regulations and agreements as well as their rights when it comes to appealing, grievances, whistle-blowing, discrimination and protection rights.
What is the meaning of employee relations to employers?
Some conclusions taken from research are given below:
• Public sector managers see union influences as strong as opposed to the private sector managers.
• When it comes to managing business risk, employee relations becomes strategic.
• Almost 2/3 of unionized employers believe that the relationship between unions and managements is either positive or very positive.