Construction of a survey is supposed to be a skill and talent which is composed of content, wording, format and placements which are done with the simple criteria. For the construction of the survey, there is no specific described way creating it where as to develop a good sought of survey, advices from different people might be considered. This can enhance the way of construction of a survey that is understandable for judges as well as in case of the respondents. The construction of the survey involves a lot of efficiency so that to avoid critical errors. Survey should be of short time just to gather the required information.
To have a good constructed survey, the two types of surveys must be kept in minds that are questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires are supposed to be the pencil based instruments that are filled by the respondents while the interviews are the interviewer’s side which depends upon the views of the respondents. Questionnaires survey involves different ways for completion like mail surveys, group administered questionnaires and household drop off. The surveys in case of interviews found variations of personal interviews and telephonic interviews. Development of the questionnaire involves three areas that are;
• Verify the questions extent and the purpose.
• Selection of the format of a response that is from the respondents for the collection of information.
• Specific and precise in words so that actual reason for the question be understood.
Instructions for Constructing Survey
[large]The survey is actually in the stated form rather than of focusing on the thoughts of the respondents. For the construction of a survey following points should be taken into view.
• The design of the survey provides a user friendly appearance and is printed on a paper or sheet with most appropriate used font so that respondent understands it easily. The proper space is there to have an extensive answer.
• The developed questions are precise and answerable by all the respondents one can choose for a survey and the questions are in the form so that the information required is attained.
• Both types of question are available that are open ended and close ended questions because the open ended question provide the individual respondents to state their answers while in close ended questions includes dichotomous scale or interval scale which are more preferred like with the answers of Yes or No or have multiple answers.
• All possible options should be stated in close ended question so that to have the idea about the variations.
• Questions are stated in much straightforward form that one understands easily and feel comfortable in answering various questions. Simple questions are stated for example,[linkunit]
Are you satisfied with the opportunities provided by your organization?
Instead of this question, state it in more precise order like
What is your satisfaction level about the job?
• At the closing stage of the survey provide the purpose and reasons for conducting the survey and appreciate the respondents for their cooperation.
• Epstein, P. (1999), How to construct survey. Demand Media, Inc.
• Trochim, W. (2006), “construct the survey”, Research Methods the Knowledge Base.
• William, F. (1993), constructing questions for interviews and questionnaires, Cambridge University Press.