More than 50 percent of the electronics segment’s annual production during the 2005 took place in Japan, including the video cameras, flat panel televisions, digital cameras, semiconductors,  components such as Memory Sticks and batteries and personal computers. Nearly 65 percent of the production in Japan was intended for other areas. China accounted more than 10 percent of total production, nearly 70 percent of which was designed for other areas. Other regions of Asia accounted more than 10 percent of total production with nearly 60 percent designed for Japan, EU and the US. The Europe and U.S. both accounted nearly 25 percent of total production, most of which was restricted to the local distribution and sale.


Diversified SBUs


Sony Company has the electronics SBUs and the parent corporation of the Sony Group is engaged in business throughout its 8 operating segments.  Sony is operating in the following segments: Networked Products & Services, Consumer Products & Devices, B2B & Disc Manufacturing, Financial Services, Sony Ericsson, Pictures, Music and All Other. These make Sony Corporation one of the most complete entertainment companies in the globe.


Related Diversified Product Line


Sony Company offers a large variety of related products in a diversity of product lines throughout the globe. Sony Corporation has invented a music playing robot known as Rolly, humanoids QRIO and dog-shaped robots called AIBO.

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