Marketing expenses

Two types of expenses are there

1. Direct expenses are those expenses which is directly tied with product
2. Indirect expenses the example of the indirect expenses is administrative expense and promotional expense etc

Note: As this section is based on calculation or computation so most of the part of report is graphically presented

Analysis of external forces

This section of situational analysis describes the trend and events which may have impact on the product it covers the following areas social and cultural, demographic, economic, technological political and legal, regulatory, ethical


At the end make a summarize the information of situational analysis into SWOT.

    Strength
    Weakness
    Opportunity
    Threats

3.Marketing Strategy and Objectives

This portion of marketing plan describes what you want to achieve? And how you want to achieve? To give clearer picture we should describe it via the key strategies and objective for the product i.e.  , Financial Objectives, Marketing Strategy and Marketing Objectives

Financial Objectives

This section of marketing strategy and objective mention channel sale, Customer sale by volume, growth percentage, by segments and by channel margins, profitability and ratios are also stated in a manner that to what level company want to achieve  for example Revenues of  $2.1 million by year-end to realize a growth rate of 8.25% compared to the previous year.

Marketing Strategy

This section of marketing strategy and objective identify the marketing strategy but before starting this section you have to go back to the objective of the company because strategies are always use to achieve the objectives one and more than one strategy can be use to achieve the objective and for selecting best strategies you have to consider situational analysis you will come to know about the like and dislike of customer let’s take an example of Accounting firm marketing strategy i.e.

    Revenue diversification, including service and industry specialty.
    Focus on fixed fee structure.
    Training for awareness of marketing.

Marketing Objectives

This section of marketing strategy and objective determine the marketing objective of the company and we can say that what the company wants to achieve from its marketing decisions? For determining the marketing objective you have to use the non financial market metrics I.e. Target market objective which is sub divided in total market share by segments, channels, total number of customer, percentage of new customer, retained customer, purchases, and volume of purchases after that comes the section of your Promotional objectives which is sub divided into level of brand, brand equity, awareness of customer about the brand/company and sales force after that comes the section of your channel objective which is sub divided into total number of dealers, percentage of new dealer and percentage of retained dealer in channel objective you have to also mention the order processing and delivery which include on time rate, shrinkage rate, correct order rate next to channel objective is Market research objectives which include two things that is studies initiated and studies completed Other objective can also be included in marketing objective section like R&D objective which consist of one portion that id product development now let’s take an example of marketing objective of accounting firm

    To comprehend an annual growth rate of 6.25% more than the previous year.
    To diversify our revenue flow through increased business consulting activities to account for 16% or more of total revenues.
    To create a visible profile through establishing mutual recommendation sources with the following:

(1) banks

(2) Credit union

(3) Law firm

(4) Brokerage firms

    Educate employees to understand, appreciate, and strengthen their role in marketing the firm.

4.Tactical program

This is the most important part of marking plan this part carry the details which used to achieve the marketing objective which is mentioned in step 3 of marketing plan (marketing strategy and objective) it is very detailed section of marketing plan this section consist of six key decisions i.e. Target Markets, Product, Promotion, Pricing, Distribution and Other Areas

Target Markets (tactical program)

In this section of tactical program we will discuss the target market it may remain same which is discussed in the situational analysis may be differ from it if it remains the same than  the justification continuing with this market would be easy for new market more the requirement is very detailed. This section also carries discussion on sale forecast which will include the best case, worst case and probable case so first of all let’s discuss the target market what requirements are needed

Target market

    Write a summery for current target market
    Point out the changes occurred in the plan
    Write summery of the changes occurred
    Write Reasons for changes
    Write tactics for target market

Product positioning
    Write a summery for product positioning
    Point out the changes occurred in the plan
    Write the summery of the changes occurred
    Write reasons for changes
    Write tactics for product positioning

Sale forecast
    Write a summary of current sale
    Point out the changes occurred in the plan
    Write the summery of the changes occurred
    Write reasons for changes
    Give description of fore cast

We mean by the changes occurred is that what changes occurred in the target market, product positioning and sale forecast which was discussed in the situational analysis (step 3 of marketing plan)

Product (tactical program)

In this section of tactical program we will discuss the decision made for existing product and mention the all aspect of the product i.e. branding labeling and packaging and obviously the decision will also have a direct impact on distributors.

 Write a summary of product decisions for customer and distributor In summery you will give the description of the product which include Category, product line information, features, benefits for customers, branding, packaging and labeling
    Point out the changes occurred in the plan
    Write the reasons for changes occurred

Now let’s discuss the new products tactical program

    Development  stages and process of product
    Availability time of product
    Point out the changes occurred
    Reasons for the changes
    Description of the plan changes
    Give description to the distribution network

Promotion (tactical program)

In this section of tactical program we will discuss the decision made for promoting products the major areas which is covered in promotion is advertising, public relation, personal selling and sale promotion in this section information are basically shown in tables and graphs because it contain the time tables of the commercials and adds in the magazine and newspapers etc. other than that also have the time table of different days seasons like winter time table summer timetable other then that the holiday timetable.

    Write a summary for current promotional programs in the light of four promotional areas
    Message and theme which you want to convey to your target audience
    Define and summarize the methods used
    Then describe the interrelationship of promotional areas
    Point out the changes occurred
    Write a summary of changes
    Give reasons why this changes occurred
    Give description to the end users
    Description for the importance of the four promotional areas
    Write the messages and source via which you want to convey the massages to the audience
    Identify all this information to distributors

Distribution (tactical program)
In this section of tactical program we will discuss the distribution plan it’s the ways how to gets the product to the customer distribution have a high impact on the cost of product that’s why this as consider to be the important part for the tactical program good distribution may result the success of the product.

    Write a summary for current distribution network Type of channel, Level of market coverage, outlets handling product, distribution cost should be mentioned in the summery.
    Point out the changes occurred in the plan
    Write the summery of the changes
    Give reasons for changes
    Give description of plan changed

Pricing (tactical program)

In this section of tactical program we will discuss the pricing decisions complex responsibility for which the knowledge of the market, customer and competitors’ economic conditions are needed. In this section of tactical program graph and use of table will be helpful in presenting the trends and pricing decisions in the different categories.

    Write a summary of current pricing decisions product, segment, channel, geography, adjustments and allowances should be mentioned in the summery
    Point out the changes occurred in the plan
    Write the summary for the change occurred
    Give reasons for the change
    Give description of planned changes which include the factors affecting price setting i.e. cost factor, fixed cost to be cover, variable cost, demand consideration, economic condition and pricing options

Additional consideration (tactical program)
In this section of tactical program we will discuss the of the other marketing decision area. Two additional considerations are there customer support service and marketing research.
Customer Support Services

    Write a summary of current customer support services types of services offer, customer being serviced and service delivery method should be mentioned in the summery
     Point out the changes occurred in the plan
    Write the summery for changed occurred
    Give description of the planned changes which include objective, types of offers, customer being serviced and service delivery method

Market Research

Write a summary of current market research. efforts project and research responsibilities should be mentioned in the summary.

    Point out the changes occurred
    Write a summery for changed occurred
    Give description of the planned changes

5.Budgets, Performance Analysis and Implementation

In this part of marketing plan budgets and their performance analysis and execution this section of marketing plan will be approve by higher authority or management level. This section consists of three key topics i.e.

    Marketing budget
    Performance analysis
    Implementation schedule

Marketing budget

This section of Budgets, Performance Analysis and Implementation is based on the spending requirement to meet the objective of plan. The presentation of important budget issues will be in graph and tables.


Make outline of spending  for tactical marketing decision which will include the tactical categories type of service offered, type of advertising and marketing research expense which will be shown in month or year and also show spending by product, segment and distribution network

Performance analysis

This section of Budgets, Performance Analysis and Implementation hold different performance metrics which include financial implication of the marketing plan in the way of contribution of the company bottom line and this information will be again presented by graph and tables

  Mention the marketing contribution  in terms and revenues and expenses which will breakdown in to product segment and distribution
  After mentioning the marketing contribution then you have to do break even analysis which include fixed cost, variable cost and the break even should be shown in graph
  Ratio analysis

Implementation schedule

This section of Budgets, Performance Analysis and Implementation discuss that how the pan   will be carried out and by whom.

    Write the details for the tasks and their responsibility
    Point out the responsibilities for the important tasks

6.Additional Consideration

The last part of marketing plan discuss the negative effect of the factor on the plan that can be internal or external internal factor can be production problem due to budget, loss of funding, loss of the key employees working on the project the external factor could be supply chain, legal environment, societal changes, economical issue, governmental concern

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