SWOT analysis is a tool which is used to evaluate the internal and external environment and make strategies for the firm. In SWOT, strengths and weaknesses are internal and controllable factors on the hand opportunities and threats are external to company.

SWOT analysis of MetLife Inc. which is the leading global provider of insurance,annuities and employee benefit programs, serving 90 million customers in 60 countries.

MetLife Strengths

Following are the internal strengths of MetLife which can be used to exploit the opportunities and minimize the threats.

High market share in the industry

It has Strong financials.

It is among the top names in Insurance industry.

Among the best providers of insurance,annuities and employee benefits. [sky]

Huge customer base (Approx: 900 million).

Operations in more than 60 countries around the world.

It had received award of best managed Insurance company by Forbes.

MetLife is listed in fortune 500 companies within top 50 companies.

Technology oriented company.

MetLife Weaknesses

Following are the internal weaknesses of MetLife.

High operating cost.

Weak grip on international market.

MetLife Opportunities

Opportunities available for MetLife in the Industry are:

Increase Market share in existing markets

Market development by offering new products.

Offer new plan for corporate and individual customers.

Acquisition of direct competitor.

MetLife Threats

Strong competition

Recession or depression in US may decrease the profits margin.

Increase in tax rates.


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