Marketing Managers have to deal with diverse purchase scenarios, when they sell directly to businesses. The buying centre of the business faces difficulties in understanding how a sale occurs. Usually the market manager have to deal with three types of re-buys, those are; new buy, straight re-buy and modified re-buy. There must be a need of the perceptive behavior of the business buying situations as before they are implemented in the business centre.

A modified re-buy is a buying situation in which individual or organization buys the product that was actually purchased before but changes are to be made to the supplier or some other element of the previous order. It could require some of additional analysis or any sort of research should be conducted. In the modification aspect, the buyer generally wants to modify the product as like terms, process, suppliers or specification etc. modify re-buying is provided with more significance as the other types of business buying situations are not involved in any sort of modification of the product, as in case of straight re-buy situation products are ordered on the routine basis without any alteration in them (Kerin, 2012).

It is from one of the third business buying situation in which the buyer needs certain sorts of modifications in the previously purchased product. The modified re-buy situation involves the participation in the decision aspects from both sides. The “in supplier” become nervous and is in an interest to secure the account whereas the “out supplier” takes it as an opportunity as in order to offer a better option so that he can gain some business (Kotler & Keller, 2012). 

This type of business re-buy is less critical and consumes lesser amount of time because only certain modifications in the product are required. There is always a requirement of the modified re-buy situation as in the introduction of the new product from the prior version.

Case in Point for Modified Re-buy

[large]An illustration in case for the modified re-buy is the Charter Fishing Company which is offering crabs to regional restaurants. Analysis is required for the confirmation so most of the owner of the restaurants required a decision that either they want to purchase the new product. The decision process though required an analysis or any sort of research in identifying the quality of the crabs and evaluating the benefits if they are in the restaurant. In this business buying situation, the Charter Fish Company might requires to provide certain services or additional sales information or prices and product recommendations in order to make a final re-buy decision.

There is a fine scope even in consumables in order to create the modified re-buy situation with several new products like waterproof medicated plasters from Johnson and Johnson. Another aspect when the organizations can provide to their buyer that is of creating modified re-buy is by the services such as consultative services about the sales effort which can be discussed before or through better product delivery promises.


• Kerin, Roger A. (2012). Marketing: The Core. McGaw-Hill Ryerson. p. 31

• Kotler, Philip & Keller, L. Kevin (2012). Marketing Management 14e. Pearson Education

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