1. In South Asian countries such as: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh; majorities of the consumer are price-conscious rather than health-conscious. Similarly, they have also higher birth rate. Nestle have to focus on that segment too.
  2. Currently the world is recovering from the worst economic recession therefore, demand for the various products of nestle will increase due to increase in the income of consumers.
  3. Now day’s consumers have become health-conscious. Therefore it is an important opportunity for nestle to come up with variety of health-based products.
  4. Thirty percent of the countries are developed and 70% are developing and have higher GDP. Nestle must have to focus on them.




  1. Competition in consumer packaged goods is increasing due to global as well as local players.
  2. Local players in many countries are also adapting latest technology to produce healthy products.
  3. Devaluation of currencies against dollar can decrease the demand for nestle products. For example, devaluation of the Pak rupee against dollar has increased the prices of the products in Pakistan by almost 60%.
  4. Several markets nestle is entering are already mature. Poverty and food security is increasing.
  5. Developing countries are facing double burden such as: malnutrition and obesity.
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