In the past, joint family system was in much existence and considered one of the social problems. With the passage of time, the system transferred into nucleus type due to different valid and invalid reasons. This resulted in the higher overhead cost of old age houses. To find out a suitable system, a detailed research study could be conducted which would give security to stakeholders and increase the national economic growth.


The economy of the any country depends or affected by numerous factors such as: policies of its government, educational system, population size, agriculture, industrial activities, culture and infrastructure. Every person performs some activities such as housing, textile, agriculture to satisfying their basic needs (clothing, food, and shelter). All the above activities are interlinked with many other activities.


There are also other activities which satisfy the needs of people such as: health, legal, insurance, postal, transportation, banking etc. These activities are coordinated, integrated and controlled by the guiding principle and policies of the state and central governments with the objective of maximizing overall wealth and growth of the nation. It is clear that everyone is playing important role for maximizing the productivity of the nation for its survival. Growth of the companies is maximized through numerous research studies.


The productivity of any organization is the ratio between its input and output. Input of the organization is measured by its total annual cost whereas output is measured by its total annual revenue. So, Productivity = Annual Revenue/Annual Cost.


Objective of the every organization is to achieve the optimal level of the production. The organization can achieve its objectives through development and research activities. Sales of the organization depend upon some factors which are further divided into quantitative and qualitative factors. Company has to identify a suitable model by using the data of the related factors augmented with a detailed survey.

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