b.   Project

A project is a plan that organizes a set of limited-scope activities that do not need to be divided into several major parts in order to reach a significant nonrecurring goal.


  • Standing Plans

Standing plans are ongoing plans that aimed at providing guidance for performing recurring activities. There are three important types of standing plans which are: policies, procedures, and rules.


    a.  Policy

Policy is guideline that establishes parameters for making decisions. It specifies the broad limits with in which organizational members are expected to operate. So it means that policy does not mention the specific action but provides a parameter for action.


    b.  Procedures

Procedure is a series of related actions that must be taken to accomplish a particular task. Policy does not allow much flexibility or deviation because they provide detailed step-by-step instructions as to what should be done. In this way procedures outline more specific actions than policies do.


    c.   Rules

An explicit statement that tells managers what they can or cannot do. Rules do not allow any room for interpretation because it clearly specifies the actions needed to be done in a particular situation.

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