After the purchase, there is the possibility that customer may change his opinion about the purchased product or experiences dissonances by determining certain feature that are favorable with respect to the other brands and then gather certain information that supports his or her decision. The marketing communication is engaged in the supply of the beliefs and evaluations that put in force to the customers to make choices and make them to feel positive about the brand repute. It determines that the job of the marketers is not going to an end when the customer purchases the product. Marketers must notice and monitor the post purchase satisfaction, post purchase actions and post purchase product uses (Julian, 2010).

Post Purchase Satisfaction

The function of the satisfaction is actually the determination of the closeness between the perceived performance of the product and expectations. If the effect of the performance does not meet the expectations of the customers then it leads to disappointment whereas if the performance is as according to the expectations then the customer is supposed to be satisfied and performance level is above the expectations then the customer feel pleasure. Such feelings of the customer make them to purchase the same product again or their favorable or unfavorable word of mouth about that brand.

The level of expectations is developed because of the word of mouth or from any other source of information. The more the gap between the expectation and performance, more is the customer dissatisfied. So it is determined that there is a direct relationship between the expectation level and performance. The importance of the post purchase satisfaction is that suggestions are provided about the trustfulness of the product by appreciating the performance (Bao, 2008). 

Post Purchase Actions

[large]Specific sort of behavior is analyzed as with the level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the customers. If the customer is satisfied with the performance of the product that he will conceive the positive image about the brand and there is higher probability that more products should be purchased. Normally it is said by the marketers that the good advertisement about the brand is done by the satisfied customers that is if the customer is satisfied then they used to say something god about the brand.

Customers who are not satisfied with the product return it back to the seller. Customers seeks information about the product that confirms the higher value of the product because of which the customer take public actions as by complaining to the company or by going to lawyer or complaining to the other groups. Such actions create negative repute about the brand and value of the firm might be destroyed (Lucero, 2008).

Post Purchase Product Used

If the post purchase product of the brand is used then the suppliers determines as well as monitor various aspects. The facts are analyzing the new uses for the existing product, any requirement of the product modification, what are the suitable themes for the advertisement and the required opportunities for the new product.


• Julian, K (2010). Post Purchase Consumer Behaviour

• Bao, L.W (2008). Factors Influencing Online and Post-purchase Behavior and Construction of Relevant Models. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 20, No. 3/4., pp. 23-38

• Lucero. C, (2008) “A relationship model between key problems of international purchasing and the post-purchase behavior of industrial firms”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 23 Iss: 5, pp.332 – 341

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