Public Relation

It’s basically the relation ship between public and the organization the relationship is built to ensure that the company or organization has good public image. The activities of public relation are to help out the customer to understand the organization and its products. It is conducted through the different media sources i.e. newspaper, billboards, radio, internet, television etc it’s the cheap way for reaching customer but the disadvantage is that you can not control that what people write to say about your product.

Direct Mail

Direct mail is the promotional method through which the company directly sends information in the form of email regarding their products and services. The email addresses are carefully selected from the database, let suppose you are offering the medicines than your audience will be doctors. Most of the time company sends the email to people without seeking their permission as a result person mark the email as Junk. This method is beneficial because it’s less time consuming and also having low cost factor.


It is often heard that the company sponsors the event which means that the company pays partial or full amount for the event such as seminars, exhibitions, Formula One and etc. The event attributes are associated with the sponsor company.

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