When data is arranged in ascending or descending order, it can be divided into various parts by different values such as quartiles, deciles and percentiles. These values are collectively called quantiles and are the extension of median formula which divides data into two equal parts. Since the basic purpose of these partition values is to divide data into different parts therefore a relationship exists between them. This relationship is given below and is elaborated with the help of simple problems.
Problem: In a work study investigation, the times taken by 20 men in a firm to do a particular job were tabulated as follows:
Prove that:
Second Quartile Q2
In case of frequency distribution, quartiles can be calculated by using the formula:
Fifth Decile D5
In case of frequency distribution, deciles can be calculated by using the formula:
50th Percentile P50
In case of frequency distribution, percentiles can be calculated by using the formula:
just what i needed a present help in time of need.thnx alot
what about when the data is decreasing, how do we find the quartile distribution?
Very Nice Sir! Thanku for this information
This is so much easier to be understand
thanks alot very very useful for us
awesome …
Thank you very much
benmu wonderful explanation meant for shaping young minds to perfection
wonderful explanation meant for shaping eager minds to perfection
Thanks a lot sir. 🙂
Thankz a lot sir…..
This article helped me to understand the topic into more depth …. 🙂
thanks alot
Your explanation was clearly understandable by young learners ………thanks a lot.
Woow ….! What a nice explanation. It has halped in revising for my end of semester exam. Thanks.
good work,thanks sir,
Thanks more!
Very neatly explained. Thank you.
well explained
Thanks a lot sir.
Thanks alot…Its awesome
Very good explation, thank you so much
it’s such a nice explanation. thank you
how do we find the frequency given just like the value of 90th percentile to be 77.5 in a grouped data…..kindly assist how we go about such comments please?
Thank you so much
I’m now reviewing for our exam and this website is really helpful for everyone especially who wants to know the exact purpose of the elements included. Nice Job?you nailed it. Thank you so much for having this. ?you’re much appreciated.
Just consider if the Q1 value is 1and what should we put for c in the above formula as per your problem table
1 is the first value of the table what should we put for the preceding value of 1 ie C..
thanks alot the information has real made me one step ahead
woow…what a nice explanation.thanks
Q1 =12.75
Q2 =15.5
Q3 =18.75
Thanks for your contribution in statistics
Junaidu yusuf shinkafi is really appreciated your efforts toward statistics
You guys are learning shit here. It really gave me a lot off confusion, I don’t mean to discourage the readers but try other formula out and compare your answers because this is a total shit
This is good information. Thank you very much
The unit is very easier
Mathematics for life
Its open my mind on the calculation . thanks
thanks a lot u have been of much help
Very easier to understand
Thanks a lot I understood
Thank a lot I understand