When data is arranged in ascending or descending order, it can be divided into various parts by different values such as quartiles, deciles and percentiles. These values are collectively called quantiles and are the extension of median formula which divides data into two equal parts. Since the basic purpose of these partition values is to divide data into different parts therefore a relationship exists between them. This relationship is given below and is elaborated with the help of simple problems.
Problem: In a work study investigation, the times taken by 20 men in a firm to do a particular job were tabulated as follows:
Prove that:
Second Quartile Q2
In case of frequency distribution, quartiles can be calculated by using the formula:
Fifth Decile D5
In case of frequency distribution, deciles can be calculated by using the formula:
50th Percentile P50
In case of frequency distribution, percentiles can be calculated by using the formula:
thank you for this info. this will help me on my midterm exam for quantitative methods tomorrow.
thank a lots for this information. It can help me know clearly about Measures of Central Tendency for my final exam.
the answer 4 inside the parenthesis isn’t multiplied to the fraction outside. anyway, they’re still the same if it’ll be multiplied to 4. ^^
9c job
what a best explanation! You rock guys….
It is the best explanation!
Hey….thank you guys.i have been struggling to find this infomation
gosh;am so happy,i can’t believe that its this easy,am so happy.
awesome,,, i dnt study stats frm books anymore 🙂
so helpful …!!!
What an explanation!!! Thanks a lot Admin.
Nice wrk,gav me alot of option in solving my stat problems
thank you very much! you’re a lifesaver 😀
great job dude keep it coming!!!
thanks , this information is very helpful
Thanks a lot!! I got a final paper in 5 hours..
how to calculate percentile 46 means p46?
very impressive way of explanation, best comparasion. so nice of u people…
excellent !
Thank so much I really appreciate ur generosity
u guyz r wwwooow, it has really worked 4 me, nd m not sure m gonna fail dis exam in Jesus’s name. if u agree wif me jus say, Amen…
Thanks for sharing such valuable data…
Hey! you are such an asset to the society. Keep up the good work.you have made the subject to look very simple but detailed.
great job. but i just have a question, how did you come to a conclusion that 10th value is in interval, 13.5-16.5? thanks.
Very good explanations.
I didnt get, how do i calculate the Quartile frequency as in how many elements are in Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 to add up to N.
Mail me the answer
Thanks for this. This will help me to reduce the size of my report by grouping the sample size.
Thanks Bro .. it really helped me …. :*
ty po 2 this info…^-^
What a mavelous explanation guys.you guys KEEP IT UP
very excellent. its best for all
Thank you for sharing your knowledge! You really help me
thanks alot
thank you
Hey how do you say that 13.5 – 26.5 is in the 10th value? Please tell me T.T
Thank u so much, am grateful for your supply
some great work, awesomely helpful. Keep up the great work…………….
You are real lecturers, easy to understand
thanks for share this data
thanks for the info about this it gives me the deeper explanation bout this 🙂
thanks for these 😀
Thank you for this information.I can more easily understood. 😀
kahin se v help mil jata bt fir v thanks
thx a lot
Its really cool, buh I couldn’t get the logic behind the C.B and the tenth Value, I think ur formula seems a lil different 4rm mine here in Nigeria, mine is
Nice workings, it really helped me .
u guys gave me a lot of relief .Tanks alot
Excellent job explaining quartiles, deciles and percentiles. You are to be commended.