In today’s workplaces, where the motive is to gain the competitive edge and to obtain the best potential outcomes, the trend of teamwork is enhancing and flourishing day by day. The organization where work is based on individual characteristics is now not motivated as compare to the work that is accomplished by working in a team. Theorists and management expertise suggested that the core elements of an effective organization are capabilities of teamwork. Thus, the concept of teamwork is enhancing day by day and organizations are now focusing on the capability of teamwork, sense of co-operation co-ordination.

Now most of the organizations are trying to focus on this teamwork area. Teamwork is an essential element in order to generate efficient outcomes. By working in teams, you can generate outcomes based on various factors. When people brainstorm, share ideas, express their feelings and in the result come up with unique outcomes, that particular organization do flourish and generate effective outcomes. This is important and one should try to follow this innovative concept in order to make their organization an effective one.

Employees when work together, their criteria or working together are characterized in three essential ways:

1. Team
2. Mobs
3. Groups

These ways are important when you are working as a group. The elements that should be present in these areas are:

1. Co-ordination
2. Respect for individual
3. Sense of understanding people

[linkunit]These important elements should be there when you are working in a group or team. Working as a team or group is a challenging task that should be accomplished by making your team or group strong enough. It is the foremost responsibility of every individual to make sure that everyone is comfortable with each other and do accept the ideas and agree with them. Most of the organizations are now trying to build a proper area where teams will work only to bring something different. This is only possible if the members are co-operative, helpful and can work in any environment. You have to sacrifice and in the end will be awarded with rewards. Teamwork is a task or responsibility where you are the one who is responsible for the overall result. If every single person working in a team feels like a leader, then the results will be the best one. Various strategies are applied in this perspective only to bring something unique and the best one.



James L. Lundy, Jim Lundy (1992), "Teams: together each achieves more success : how to develop peak performance teams for world-class results", Dartnell, pg 222
Eileen K. Aranda, Luis Aranda, Kristi Conlon, (1998), "Teams: structure, process, culture, and politics", Prentice Hall, pg 176

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