by kasi | Jan 10, 2010 | Marketing
Sponsorship is a business relationship, between two parties. This relationship is determined through a trade of product, fund or services where both parties seek profitable benefits. Sponsorship is basically a relationship that is equally valuable to the sponsored as... by kasi | Jan 9, 2010 | Marketing
Personal selling is a very old form of promotion, it involves the use of sales force to support the push strategy, that is influencing intermediaries into buying the product or a pull strategy in which the role of sales force is limited for supporting the retailers to... by kasi | Oct 20, 2009 | Marketing
New Product Pricing Strategies The most challenging stage of product is introductory stage. In introductory stage of new product companies face the challenge of setting the prices for the first time. Companies have only one chance to get new product price right. They... by kasi | Oct 9, 2009 | Marketing
Product Life Cycle Product life cycle is the phenomena of the product being manufactured, development, customized, marketed etc. in short; it retains everything that a product has to go through in the market. When we say that a product has a life cycle, we are... by kasi | Sep 3, 2009 | Marketing
Products are the tangible entities which are offered in the market by Organization to fulfill the needs, wants and demands of the customers. Products are tangible products in the market which customers purchase from market to satisfy needs or wants. Customers always...