What is Cultural Environment ?

Cultural environment is the activities of the human beings along with the relationship and with the environment they are living is called cultural environment. It is very important terminology at any aspect of the life, especially in the business sector. If a proper...

Word of Mouth

Consumers are mostly influenced by opinions that are expressed directly to them. Nowadays the marketers spend millions of money on various advertising campaigns however what really persuades a consumer to make up their mind is a free and simple source i.e. by a word...

Promotional Allowance

Promotion allowance involves the factors that are required to familiar the product with customers. Advertisement and promotional programs are the examples of promotion. Advertisement is the most important tool which is an option to make the product available for...

Brand Asset Valuator – BAV

A Brand Asset valuator is a metric that is used to analyze how a brand is perceived by its consumers in terms of different attributes. This realistic approach has been created and thoroughly managed by the Brand Asset Consulting, a division of Young & Rubicam...

Adaptive Marketing

In today’s world, Marketing has come around in a wide variety of ways to tailor the needs of the audience, the media platform and various businesses in order to keep evolving as a dynamic marketplace. This is why; the Adaptive Marketing is of no surprise to anyone....