Wal-Mart Vision and Mission Statements

Wal-Mart has both Vision & Mission statements. The Vision statement of Wal-mart focuses on low price, products quality, manufacturing and employees growth opportunities. Furthermore, it’s generalize excellence term for overall business. The Wal-Mart Mission...

BBC Mission & Vision Statement

Our mission, vision, and values inform the work of the BBC and are how we promote our public purposes. The public purposes are set out by the Royal Charter and Agreement, the constitutional basis for the BBC. Our Mission To enrich people’s lives with programmes...

Characteristics of a Vision

Following are the characteristics of Vision: 1. Attainability: What is the possibility of achieving your vision within the available resources? 2. Lucidity: An articulation of the vision which explains the main idea in clear and unambiguous terms. 3. Concreteness: The...