Egoistic suicide is also a kind of suicide in which a person kills himself/herself while suffering from the mental diseases. In egoistic type of suicide a person becomes selfish as he/she commits suicide without any solid reason. One commits suicide without thinking about his/her family, friends, and relatives etc.

As far as the causes of egoistic suicide are concerned, as we discussed earlier like mental diseases. Beside mental diseases there are also other causes like access of knowledge, drinking and usage of other drugs may lead to egoistic suicide.


Impacts of Suicide on Society


Suicide does not leave its impacts only on family, groups and on community but also leaves lots of impacts on the society as well. The image of society becomes ugly where the suicide attempts are high. The society which has the great number of deaths rate because of suicide catches the interest of international community. Beside this a kind of disharmony arises into society because of suicide attempts.




Suicide is an act of killing oneself. Both mental disorders as well as social problems are the causes to increase the suicide rates in a society. There are three main types of suicide as Altruistic, Anomic and egoistic suicide. Suicide leaves lots of negative impact on society.

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