Walgreens is the largest retailer of pharmacy in America. It is public owned company that was founded in Chicago, Illinois, United States in 1901 by Charles R. Walgreen. The company’s headquarters are based in Deerfield, Illinois, United states. The company is extending its services nationwide along 50 states of Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.


• The company is being running at a very good pace incorporating technology at the maximum level both in the store and along the supply chains.

• Successful implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) monitoring the display impacts in its store chains.

• The digital lab facility is provided in eighty percent of the company’s stores.

• The management team of the company along with huge employees’ strength of 237,000 is strong enough to up hold the company’s position.

• The drugstores of the company have huge presence around 50 states with 8,169 stores providing excellence of services there.

• The company assets are very productive and accounts for $25.1 billion.

• The merger of convenience and technology through alliance with Hewlett Packard using Snapfish technology has considerably changed the pace of the company succeeding at faster rates.

• Walgreens store designs are focused on single points providing the well executed services of convenience as well as bets serving.

• Customer convenience is followed up by taking the prescriptions in multiple languages and providing the specific and general drugs under one head that also allows the company’s widespread sales.

• The in store medical clinics are insuring the provision of best health care facilities to its customers.


• The number of Walgreens acquisitions is not so high and it depends more upon the organic expansion, especially at the time when CVs is acquiring number of Eckered, Osco and Save on stores.

• The in-store implementation of the store formats and services is not consistent at every location.

• The parking lots of the company are inconvenient and often crammed full, disturbing the store’s layout plan.

• Inability of the company to keep pace with the growing private labeled brands popularity.

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