The word hypothesis was originated from a Greek word hyposthenia whose actual meaning is to suppose, a proposal. Thus hypothesis is defined as a supposition, assumption or recognition that is made for the sake of dispute. It is an uncertain clarification/explanation for the observation, phenomenon and any scientific research that are to be checked and experienced for more information or a message or an opinion for the certain partial verification (Browein, 2008).


The purpose of conducting hypothesis is to give an opportunity to different industries, universities, public laboratories as well as government agencies etc to have a debate, presentations and the recent advances made on various researches made by them.


As the hypothesis is the prediction of some scientific research and to know about some further descriptions. Hypothesis doesn’t means that it must be right because hypothesis result may be right or wrong depending upon the research and wrong results are completely acceptable in hypothesis. Good hypothesis depends upon the elements and testing of the research with complete tools. It is a very important part of scientific method and is important component in every discipline. Basically the hypothesis is done on known data and information.

Elements of a Good Hypothesis

A better hypothesis depends upon some factors which are;[linkunit]

• Whether the hypothesis is based on the selective researched topics or not.

• The hypothesis is well tested.

• Does the hypothesis include dependent and independent variables?

Steps in Hypothesis Testing

As the hypothesis is conducted to know whether the research is right or wrong and for that testing step are conducted for approval or disapproval.

• Stating the research question.

It is the first step in research problem in which the researcher recognizes the population interest, related variables and defining the parameters.

• Specify null and alternative hypothesis

The second step is specifying the type of hypothesis. The null hypothesis is used for the population and alternative hypothesis is use in terms of direction in case of greater or less.

• Calculate test statistics

[large]Another step is to calculate the statistic view in analogous pattern by using the parameters of null hypothesis.

• Compute probability and rejection region

In the fourth step, the probability value is calculated which is examined as if the significant value is more than the null hypothesis is not rejected and vice versa.
• State conclusions

The final step is the conclusion in which descriptions are made. This step consists of two statements; first statement is about the null and alternative hypothesis and second statement is about the proposed research questions while determining the first statement.

Examples of hypothesis

Examples of hypothesis according to Lalwani, (2011) are stated as;

• Whether the yogurt making process affects the uniformity of yogurt by changing temperature.

• People who read the books are also better writers than the people who don’t.

• Research in concern with the plants that whether the pouring of milk is more efficient growth instead of water.


•, accessed on March 25, 2012.

• Lalwani, P. (2011) hypothesis Example.

•, retrieved on 25 March 2012.

• Browein, P; Choi S. (2008) The Riemann Hypothesis, Canadian mathematical society.

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