
• There are the opportunities to improve the financial position by increasing the money through debts.

• To explore the services of the online publications of the brand.

• To increase and expand the services and products of the brand that may leads the company to success.

• Acquire the services from the abroad and involving more markets in order to expand the business.

• Introducing new recipes to innovate the products and customers taste.


[large]• The competitors of the yum brands are the great threat in case to attain the loyalty of the customers.

• The technology used for the manufacturing of the goods and services is of cheaper quality.

• The price war is the threat because settling prices sometimes does not match the criteria for the cost that is required in production.

• Struggle in case of the maturing the products sometimes do not match the demands of the customers.

• The rise in the prices against the use of the product improvement is not acceptable by the customers.

• Economic stability in the national area is the issue for the stability of the brand.


• Abhijeet, S. (2010), SWOT ANALYSIS ON Yum! Brands, Inc.

• www.yumbrands.com, retrieved on 12 May 2012.

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