In informal speech or writing, the word institution is often being used to refer to an organization with some particular purpose. The definition of institution is quite changed here in the social sciences. Institution is actually group of people in which the members interact in organized and systematic way. The family, clubs, government or prison etc are some of the examples of institutions. Thus, one can say that institution is a set of norms, rules and regulations which are necessary to be followed by its members. For example, family is an institution where all the members are bound to follow the norms of families. Father has to play his role, children play their role and as do other members of institution.


Characteristics of institutions


There are numerous characteristics of institutions, some of which are given below. 

  • Institution has some definite objectives.
  • It has definite procedures which are based on customs and traditions.
  • Institution depends upon the collective activities of man.
  • It is formed for the fulfillment of primary needs.


History of Institutions


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